I need a bit of help as I have been tasked with writing a risk assessment and revised job description for a female employee with Noonan Syndrome working in a residential care home as a waitress. Is there anything specific I should include/ask that wouldn’t be apparent to someone unfamiliar with the condition?

Noonan Syndrome presents in different ways for different people, so risk assessing would need to be done on an individual basis. Talk to the employee to find out if there are any additional risks or requirements such as mobility issues and/or difficulties with fine motor control, which could present specific needs around lifting/carrying, or learning difficulties which might impact on how well the employee can understand instructions, express concerns, or ask questions of their employer. Many adults with NS have very few issues that would need additional risk assessment or changes to a job description.
There are charities that offer support—search online for ‘supported employment services’ to find organisations in your area who specifically work as a bridge between employer and employee, to support both parties where the employee has a long-term health condition or physical or learning disabilities. They will have lots of advice and information that you could find helpful, and they may also be able to step in and support this staff member during her employment too.